How to collect food from us.

Without judgment or discrimination, we provide emergency food assistance to anyone experiencing food insecurity. As an inclusive organisation, we help all those in need.

Okehampton Food Bank relies wholly on donations.

The Okehampton Food Bank relies entirely on the generous donations of residents in Okehampton and the surrounding villages. We extend our heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the families we serve.

The Okehampton Food Bank is pleased to offer short-term emergency food assistance. However, our organization is not equipped to provide long-term food support. For individuals in need of ongoing aid, we encourage exploring options with other local agencies that may be able to help either resolve problems or provide longer-term help.

What we can give you

We offer a wide selection of produce, including dried, canned, and fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as eggs, fresh milk, butter and cheeses. However, our inventory is subject to change. We also carry a limited supply of household and baby care products.

We are not a supermarket, and we are not a source of free food.

How to get a voucher.

If you do not have a voucher referring you to Okehampton Food Bank you will need to contact one of our referral agencies. Before doing so please read our criteria for receiving food aid HERE before making an appointment.

To receive our help you will first need to obtain a referral from one of our referral agencies. If you are in Okehampton we recommend Citizens Advice and Community Links. Citizens Advice can be found in the Okement Centre on a Thursday and Community Links at the Charter Hall every Monday. Both are excellent organisations to start getting help. At the moment Citizens Advice are extremely busy and is not able to help everyone who calls at their office. They are also a charity.

Community Links operates a weekly Mental Health Hub between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm every Monday at the Charter Hall in Okehampton. They are available to issue food referrals between those hours. So, if you can’t get to see Citizens Advice for whatever reason then drop into the Charter Hall (next to the cinema in Red Lion Yard) between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm every Monday

We accept referrals from a wide range of partners.

Referrals can also be made on your behalf by

  • Social Workers
  • Health Visitors
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Teachers
  • Probation Officers
  • Registered Charities
  • Emergency Services
  • Ministers of Religion

Ask them to contact Malcolm our coordinator by email and we will send out the necessary information.

Visit our Citizens Advice page, HERE 

Visit Community Links South West website HERE

You can call her and leave a message for a return call using the school office number: 01837 52866 or you can pop into the Community Hub at Okehampton Primary School Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

We cannot deliver food. You should aim to collect in person or arrange for someone you know to collect the food on your behalf such as a friend or neighbour. If a third party is to collect your parcel please let us know in advance giving their full name.

Whilst other providers of food will only give you enough food for three days, at the Okehampton Food Bank we give enough food for the week.

If you need additional help don’t forget that extra food can always be found in the community fridge, also in the Ockment Centre.

Data Protection

As required by GDPR, we need your consent to store your contact details in both paper and digital formats. The information we will collect includes your name, address, phone number, household size (number of adults and children), pet details, and any food allergies you may have.

We will keep your information secure and once you stop collecting from us your information will be destroyed after 32 days.